Our Amicii Dogs In Romania
Added: June 1, 2024, Last updated: June 1, 2024
Adoption Status: Available for Adoption
Location: Romania Shelter
Sponsor: Kindly sponsored by Becki Graham
Sex: Female
Age: 2 years old (31/5/24)
Size: Medium
People Friendly: Yes
Type Of Home Required: A Loving and understanding home
About This Dog: Daisy was on the land of a storage business, she was neutered and Dora was told it was safe to return her, so she did with a heavy heart. Soon after she saw posts about this dog miles away from the site she was left and Dora knew she had to find her. She searched for hours for her, reaching out to other rescue friends. Finding out that she had been saved by another team member. Dora wasn’t letting the dog catchers have a chance to catch this girl so she is now safe