Our Amicii Dogs In Romania
Added: July 7, 2024, Last updated: July 7, 2024
Adoption Status: Available for Adoption
Location: Romania Shelter
Sponsor: Kindly sponsored by Karen Ingerson
Sex: Male
Age: 2-2.5 years old (6/3/24)
Size: Medium
People Friendly: Yes
Type Of Home Required: A loving and understanding home He isn't happy with other male dogs and is food aggressive so he would need to be fed seperately if there are other resident dogs
About This Dog: This poor boy he was so desperate he actually broke into the shelter after being abandoned outside the gates .
Dora said at the time he arrived
Abandoned boy Infront of the shelter, was so desperate to come into the shelter that he tore the fence with his teeth and went inside never happened that, not only begging to take him to the shelter, but to break in, goshhh we have really arrived at some critical point if a poor abandoned dog is breaking into a shelter compared to the streets he felt it is heaven for him , goshh goshh humanity what are you doing to your creatures!!!!!