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Rus Fodor Dora Andrea

Dora 720x490

I am Dora and I have been rescuing Romanian stray dogs since 2000, when I met my first doggie love ‘Lady’, whom people from around my block of flats attempted to hang. Then the story with the Romanian strays and me began and continued and developed into a shelter of around 250 dogs with minimal support and all the attacks of a community, who in fact produce these poor creatures and of the authorities who are not able and not willing to solve this painful and shameful situation of the Romanian strays. When everybody left us and I found myself almost alone with the 210 dogs who remained in the shelter, Ann Pursey found us and then the happy story of the Amicii doggies began, being loved, helped, fostered and adopted in the UK, thanks to the amazing Amicii UK team.

What motivates me? What kept me continuing when everybody said this is suicide and I should run away from this story too? It is not just the love for the strays! It is a much more noble and pure feeling! It is Compassion! Because suffering is unnecessary, animals do not need to suffer, but we humans do, we can learn from suffering and pain, it can make us better and more pure, but they do not need to, they are already pure and inocent in the deepest meaning of the word. Their suffering is useless and meaningless and that is why I dedicate my life to rescue and dream continuously of a world when I will not need to any more.

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